Curriculums have always positioned teachers as the doorways to knowledge, and declared their minds as the limits to what is possible in the post-primary classroom. This exhilarating and effective process can be demanding, exhausting, and a drain on resources. However, when learning with digital technologies, it can fully unlock the promises of pedagogy. Here’s a glimpse inside.
Every child is unique. This is one of the most vibrant blessings of the educational space, a place where new ideas are born, and new ways of thinking are crafted. However, it can also be one of the biggest pain points for educators. Trying to communicate a curriculum that supports the seven different learning styles through post-primary education is not the challenge. Trying to find practical methods of implementing it is.
Learning with digital technologies enables bespoke solutions for all learning environments. You can record lessons, create and share resources, and infuse the learning experience with tailored meaning.
You can’t teach a goldfish to climb a tree. However, if the fruits of society are at the top of the tree, Piaget’s pedagogy would argue that the goldfish has got to be helped up there one way or another. This is where personalised learning becomes central. When learning is adjusted to match the individual, teachers have the power to transform bark into water.
With digital technology in schools, you can edit, adjust, alter, and accommodate the learning zone to different needs. As such, 1:2:1 technology in schools is a platform where theory, instinct, and the individual meet in a creative space of possibilities.
Even ten years ago, more than half of children under the age of one were able to use a tablet device. In contrast, more than one in three over 65’s lack the basic skills to use the internet. This dichotomous situation has come to define the current era so profoundly that the EU has been forced to set digitalisation targets. In an educational landscape that is supposed to prepare individuals for life, recognising that 4.0 is life is central.
Many post-primary students are well ahead of us in their technological capabilities. However, it is our task as educators to guide young minds into healthy digital literacy. Learning with – rather than against – digital technologies is a powerful way of enabling knowledge and wisdom to penetrate the intricacies of the internet.
Collaboration is celebrated by business leaders. Often a messy business, and frequently grounded in chaos theory, it is from the process of collaboration that the greatest innovations spring. Perhaps the best illustration of that is the invention of the humble Post-It note, something that is an unlikely analogy for the agility, speed, and flexibility in learning that arises from the collaborative space. For post-primary students, working together is not only the foundation of problem-solving, it is also the gateway to empowerment, empathy, and other crucial employment skills.
With 1:2:1 technology in schools, students can collaborate with their peers and with you, sharing a creative energy in the easy accessibility of the digital zone. This offers the freedom of time, the freedom of space, and the freedom of communication.
Freedom can be limitless when learning with digital technologies. To find out more about the different options we have for your educational device needs and wants, do not hesitate to get in touch with our Easy4u team.